【同义词辨析】 2018-10-17 喜好leaning-flair

leaning: suggests a liking or attraction not strong enough to be decisive or uncontrollable: accused of having socialist ~s.

propensity: implies a deeply ingrained or innate and usually irresistible longing: the natural ~ of in-laws to offer advice.  (ingrained难以改变或消除difficult to change or remove,如morals tend to be ingrained道德观念往往根深蒂固)

proclivity: suggests a strong natural or habitual proneness usually to something objectionable or evil: movies that reinforce viewers' ~ for violence.    (prone to容易导致或受不良影响,如be prone to mudslide容易产生泥石流,working without a break makes you prone to error连续工作不休息容易出错)    

penchant: implies a strong marked taste for something or an irresistible attraction by something: has a ~ for overdramatizing his troubles.    overdramatize过分“戏剧化”,即过分营造印象impression,显得夸张。

flair: implies an instinctive attraction that leads someone to something: a woman with a real ~ for business.  

leaning倾向: 喜欢吸引的程度没有到决定性不可控制的地步,propensity爱好: 难以改变无法抵抗的渴望(ingrined),proclivity喜好: 指让人反感的或邪恶事物,penchant喜爱: 表示符合口味被深深吸引,flair天资: 天生喜欢,所以擅长(instinct说成本能或天性天生都可以)

记忆方法: 1)首字母LPPPF,PPP你我他FL幸福快乐<==是每个人的喜好

        2)喜好的意思是对某物强烈的或本能的喜爱mean a strong instinct or liking for something.